Saturday, January 14, 2006

May he rest in peace

My favorite swimmer of all time, and a man I have always held in the highest regard, passed away recently. Eric Namesnik swam at the University of Michigan for a number of years, won two Olympic silver medals and took second place in what I would call the most exhilarating race ever. He inspired me in my short swimming career; the story always went that he was the straight arrow hard worker, while Tom Dolan had the natural talent. Despite all the hard work, it seemed to end up that Dolan always came out on top. I identified with that, and it helped me keep striving even when things didn't go my way, both in and out of the water. More than just a phenomenal swimmer, it turns out Eric was a stand up guy as well, coaching in the years after his retirement and loving his wife and two kids. I pray that his family can hold together through this, that his wife can grieve and yet be comforted, and that his children would indeed have a strong father figure in their lives. The world should mourn when good men like this are taken from us. It doesn't of course, but it should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sad.