Sunday, January 08, 2006

Graduate Student Waves

I found out recently, since my current line of work keeps me far from quantum mechanics, that I do indeed have a wave associated with me. (The de Broglie matter wave, apparently. If I'm misguided in some technical way about this, feel free to correct me. Also feel free to use your obviously considerable intellect to better mankind rather than correcting a mere engineer like me.) This is in stark contrast to the position I took in a offhand discussion with a friend a few weeks back. My point was: "Look! Do you see any waves? Exactly." Now I realize they are just too small to see, even with some really cool scientific instruments. Thus, I'm not entirely sure how to experimentally confirm all this, but since we do seem to have extraneous graduate students lying around, we could atleast attempt the two slit trick with them. With a little funding I'm sure I could find few willing souls.

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