Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"down to two"

Andrew Sullivan's feelings on the Republican candidates, as of last night's debate, closely mirror my own. I can't stomach most of the candidates other than McCain, though Romney's polished look and clear business acumen are appealing, because of their embrace of torture and inability to squarely address Iraq and say something useful. I'm starting to feel that if anyone other than McCain wins the republican spot, and most definitely if Giuliani does, that I'll be voting for a democrat. That would be a first for this down-home, red-state raised farm boy, but today's GOP deserves it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Romney's polished look and clear business acumen are appealing,"


"I'm starting to feel that if anyone other than McCain wins the republican spot, and most definitely if Giuliani does, that I'll be voting for a democrat. That would be a first for this down-home, red-state raised farm boy, but today's GOP deserves it."