Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The view from CNN

Anyone who thinks about the Iraq war at all should read this piece in the Washington Post. I'm not entirely sold on the current direction of the whole mess, i.e. remaining engaged at the current troop levels, but if the sentiments of the Iraqi leaders in the article are correct, perhaps that is what must be done. As much as I hate the dimbulb "cut and run" label that has been applied to anyone who wants to keep our young men and women alive by getting out, the idea might be correct and perhaps, as the piece points out, the only solution is time. But more time means more dead, and that's not something to be papered over with bravado and hubris. I'm really tired of this mess, and the lame, childish Republican sound bites about the war are starting to get under my skin (I know, just now starting?). And the Democrats, oh the Democrats; the sound bites don't get any better over there. I think I'd gladly vote for anyone who stopped talking to us like we're all twelve years old.

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