Sunday, April 16, 2006

Iran, the Bomb and the End of the World

I can't believe what I read in this article, though it seems to come from a reputable source. Does Iran (their government, in any event) really want to end the world? Are they really preparing for the downfall of the US, stopping at nothing until the "West" is annihilated? If so, that turns every idea of engagement with this regime on its head. Now, I do suppose if we made life in Iran good enough, there wouldn't be anyone left to support a radical government, but that's just a nice way of implementing regime change.

I must say though, as a point of confession, that it gave me a twinge of pride when President Bush was described as an "aberration" to be waited out so Iran can continue on it's path down Armageddon Lane. Our President may hire clods for FEMA posts, but at least he has done something right to garner that kind of response. I hope the next president continues in this tradition (and guts FEMA). Right now, my money is on McCain to fill this vacancy, but there's still a lot of time before that die is cast.

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