Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Muslim convert to Christianity may be executed

I had to read this story at least twice before I could believe it. The man was "caught" while trying to reunite his family, and he was turned in by some of his own relatives. If nothing else, this makes me glad to live in a country like the United States; I think it's still legal to change religions here.

I am encouraged that some countries (US and NATO allies, Canada, and others) are pressuring Afghanistan to do the right thing and release the man. However, I'm afraid it won't be enough. Pray for the man (Abdur Rahman), that his life will be spared and that he'll gain his freedom. Also pray for his family; clearly he wants to reunite with his daughters.

The world is insane.

UPDATE (3/26/2006): He is to be released! Hallelujah! Afghanistan still has a long way to go, however, before it can be said to support religious freedom.

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