Thursday, February 09, 2006

Daily Douglas Adams*

"But we just left there," protested Zaphod. "We left there and came to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe."
"Yes, sir," said the waiter, feeling that he was now into the home stretch and running well, "the one was constructed on the ruins of the other."
"Oh," said Arthur brightly, "you mean we traveled in time but not in space."
"Listen, you semievolved simian," cut in Zaphod, "go climb a tree will you?"
Arthur bristled.
"Go band your heads together, four-eyes," he advised Zaphod.
"No, no," the waiter said to Zaphod, "your monkey has got it right, sir."
Arthur stuttered in fury and said nothing apposite, or indeed coherent.

*Not really daily.

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