Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Not a lost cause yet

If you have not seen the pictures of the anti-Syria pro-democracy Beirut demonstration, take a look. It has been all over the news and is quite stunning. In case you don't know, this rally is in response to the 500,000 person pro-syria demonstration organized by Hezbolla just a little while ago. The estimates are at 800,000 for this one, clearly trumping the previous. This is great news because the party that wants reform and is most likely to end terrorist activities (i.e. not Hezbolla) has just shown their force and seems to have the ability to bring change. Moreover, the people in this demonstration feel they can do these things without fear of reprisal (as many commentators have pointed out, see the link above), and this is an important development in itself, as it helps lead to change without war.

Update: More good news.

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