Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Pontiac and Credibility

If there's one thing that Pontiac needs these days, it's credibility. You may call this by many names: desirable product, buzz, an identity. But what it all boils down to is getting people to understand who Pontiac is and believe it's true. And it's not too hard to figure out who they want to be; they are "Driving Excitement", remember? Who believes it though? I've driven some Pontiacs; I wasn't excited.

But I'll tell you this, they have a couple serious cars to back up that claim. In particular, the GTO and Solstice. One has 400 HP, a wicked interior and a price you would expect from Hyundai. The other is a frontal assault on the sport roadster market that Mazda's Miata has dominated since time immemorial. Both of these are great cars that hit right at the heart of what sports cars can be. But these are not enough. Pontiac needs more, and by more I mean another car (or two or three) that hits at its core reason for existing. Here's my next move.

I suggest another body blow to the sports car market: a fighter for the WRX and Evo. What would this take? Seriousness, for one. GM loves to be everything to everyone and end up mediocre, but to compete in the market today you just cannot do that, especially not with a brand like Pontiac. The vehicle must not only fight the two behemoths, it must win, and it must win rally races. This will take a focused, almost niche, vehicle, but credibility is paramount, remember? Nothing is more credible than being able to buy a car that is, in large part, raced insanely down back roads through forests. Simply film some races and your marketing is done. Moreover, it must be an in your face, no compromises all-wheel drive beast with styling and attitude. Make it ugly for all I care, but make it functional and fast. Body cladding and fake hood scoops are a joke. Nostrils and duct work to cool massive rotors, diffusers and ground effects to divert atmosphere and huge gauges with minimalist interior finishing to aid racing are functional and respectable. Besides that dusting the competition makes just about anything cool in this world.

Finally, this will open the possibility of selling the car in detuned mode, Subaru Impreza style. The mass of cars will move in this trim, but the reason for it will be the beast up the price ladder. A move into this market would make Pontiac one heck of a car company. Who else produces a trio of cars like the Solstice (quite nearly the best roadster on the market), the GTO (is there even a competitor for this muscle car? Ok, maybe the Mustang) and this WRX fighter? All they need now is a name. It could be the G4 (to go along with the G6, since it would have a blown four-cylinder as opposed to the 6's in the G6). Have a better name? Let's hear it.

Unfortunately, none of this will likely happen. GM is spent just from the Solstice, and they would need this car now. A surprise attack at the NAIAS would be magnificent, and its that sort of work that is needed at GM these days. Perhaps they are applying themselves somewhere else and another coup is imminent in a different division. I hope so, but I doubt it.

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